18 Ways to Make Money Online From Home in 2021

The world is living in a digital age where everything is possible. The internet revolution has brought many opportunities for people across the globe. Today, people can make money from the comfort of their homes. There are numerous ways to make money online in 2021. We will talk about the most promising and legit ways of making money online. There are two ways of earning online. The first way gives you few quick bucks in no time with little efforts from your part while the other way takes a lot of effort, time and energy from your part but rewards you so much that might be beyond your imagination (Passive & Recurring Income).

We will move from (quick bucks + fewer efforts) to (great efforts + unlimited bucks) category. The more time you invest in your online work, the more rewarding experience it's going to be financially. The coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic has hit the entire world making people devoid of their jobs and earning sources. Financial security and stability during such dark hours is necessary for fulfilling the basic needs. We hope this hard time will end soon, and people will be back to their normal lives. Here are some legit ways to make money online from the comfort of your home during this coronavirus pandemic period which will help you spend your time at home and will also help you make some money online.

make money online from home during coronavirus pandemic

1. Surveys

Make money online through surveys

If you want few bucks quickly in exchange for few minutes of your time then you should definitely try survey sites. There are market research companies which needs honest opinions from people about their client's products and services to make a much better product by working on the valuable feedback they received through surveys. For each of your survey completion, you receive points which can be redeemed in PayPal cash vouchers. There are tons of survey sites out there on the web, but only few of them are legit. Here are the most trusted and best survey sites of 2021.

Prolific Academic

2. Micro Jobs

Make money online through Microjob

These are the few crowdsourcing platforms where you can do pretty simple tasks which requires the least skill and few minutes of your time. The tasks which are generally found on these sites are like visiting a website, liking an FB post, subscribing to a YouTube channel and many more such simple tasks.These are the platforms where you can earn instantly. Here goes the list of legit crowdsourcing sites where you can earn decent bucks.


3. Become a Search Engine Evaluator

make money online  by becoming search engine evaluator

A Search Engine Evaluator is a person who evaluates a web page and its content for its accuracy, relevancy and value that it provides to the user for their search query. The clients of these projects are search engines who need evaluators for making web world a better place by providing the most relevant and helpful content to users for their specific queries on search engines. In simple words, you have to surf the internet and rate the search results based on their relevancy. There are only few companies which have these evaluator positions available. The average rate they pay is $12 - $16 per hour. It's one of the coolest remote job available on the internet right now. You can work 20 – 40 hours a week according to your availability. You can also find work related to translation & transcription on these platforms. Here are the few platforms where you will find positions like search engine evaluator, social media evaluator and different analyst positions. Neevo is new among them, and others are similar sites like Neevo.

Workforce Logiq

4. Do Remote Job

Make money online through remote jobs

It can be considered as a temporary or contractual job done remotely from your home. If you are having decent skills of sales, marketing, fast typing and fluent English then you can easily get a remote job for a decent pay. Here are few sites where you can easily find remote jobs.


5. Freelancing

Make money online as a freelancer

Are you an expert in a particular domain of technology like website building, graphic design, data processing, SEO or do you have basic computer skills and decent English fluency?

If you have any of the above skills, then there are lots of people looking out for you on various freelance platforms and are ready to pay you decent amount for your valuable skills. Here are the best Freelancing sites to work for in 2021.


6. Domain Flipping

You buy a domain name for a cheap price and sell it a damn high price. It's like buying a domain for $14 and selling it at $1,200. Yes!! It's true. A lot of people are making tons of money through a domain flipping. If you plan to start a domain flipping then do a proper research on how to find right domain which may get sold quickly. You can buy domains from godaddy and sedo and resell it whenever you get the desired price.

7. Become a Online English Tutor

Make money online as a online english tutor

If you belong to native English speaking country with a good English fluency and have a bachelor's degree then you are good to go for a online English tutor job. Most of these sites teach English to Chinese kids (kindergarten to grade 9). They pay you around $20-$25 per hour. It's a great a job for you if you like interacting with different people. You can earn a decent amount of money from the comfort of your home within short span of time. Here are the best rated online English teaching list where you can find a suitable position for yourself.

51 Talk
NiceTalk Tutor

8. Become a Online Translator & Transcriber

Make money online as a translator or transcriber

If you know few languages thoroughly, such that you can read, write and speak that language fluently then you can become a online translator. As a translator, you will be converting a piece of information from one language to other without changing the intention of information. It doesn't matter where you live, and you can schedule your time of work, do the translation and get paid for your translating job. While as a transcriber, you will listen to audio, videos files and type down those listened words into text format. You can expect a pay between $15 to $20 per hour for this online job. You can earn decent money from translation during this coronavirus lockdown. The few best earning sites where you can find online translator and transcriber jobs are as follows.


9. Become a Social Media Influencer

Make money online as a social media influencer

If you are having an Instagram, TikTok or any social media account with thousands of followers following you then you can expect brands to pay you tons of money for promoting their brand through a single post from yours social media account. At this point, if you don't have that much following on your Instagram or TikTok account then try to grow your audience by posting regular content of high quality and also try to engage with your audience by likes, comments and follows. Once your followers count reach to 10k then you can apply to these networks which connects influencers and brands together through their platform. Some well-known networks which trusted online money making sites are as follows.


10. Become a Remote Content Writer

Make money online as a remote content writer

If you are having a good flair for writing then you can become a content writer because today a lot of jobs revolves around internet and due to which website and its content plays a vital role in getting clients and business. Organizations are ready to pay you a hefty amount for your professional writing skills. Content writers are high in demand in today's digital world. You have to search the term "remote content writer job" and then you can apply to numerous remote openings.

11. Open a eCommerce store

Make money online through ecommerce store

Today, the people prefer to buy most of the things online since they don't want to spend their precious time going out. ECommerce industry is currently experiencing a big boom since the internet users are increasing day by day and so the eCommerce industry. You can take advantage of it by opening your eCommerce store and sell the products which are high in demand. You can create your own eCommerce store by using WooCommerce and Shopify or you can also list your products on Amazon or eBay. The perfect strategy for being successful in eCommerce industry is choosing the right product which have high demand and low competition in the market.

12. Sell Your Pictures Online

make money online through photography

People love to take pictures and sharing it with their dear ones through social media. Now a days, every content online has pictures in it describing the detail of the subject while also giving a slight real touch to the topic through pictures. The pictures that sells in the market can be related to exotic locations, nature, high-profile celebrities, events and conferences. All you need is the digital camera capable of taking high definition pictures and a little bit of photography skills for clicking stunning pictures. Once you are done taking pictures then you can upload it on stock photography sites where your pictures is shown to interested buyers and once the picture is sold, you get your commission for that sale. These stock photography sites sell your pictures and give buyer the license to use the image for commercial purpose. Some of the well-known stock photography sites where you can sell your pictures are as follows.

Adobe Stock
Getty Images

13. Sell E-books

make money online through ebook selling

If you like writing and sharing your experiences then you can definitely write an ebook. Once you are done with writing the content then its time to design the front and back cover of your ebook. If you are good in photoshop skills or know Canva then you can design it on your own. You can also hire a professional designer for your cover design from freelancing sites such as upwork, guru or freelancer. Once your content and cover is ready then its time to upload your ebook to various online stores.  This is one of the best way to make money online from home during this coronavirus (covid-19) lockdown. Here are best sites to publish and sell your ebooks.

14. Print On Demand

make money online through POD

In print on demand business model, you are uploading your creative unique design on the website, when visitors are coming to the site then they are able to see your design on t-shirts, mugs and many such household items. When the visitors decide to buy the item with your design on it then you get a commission from that sale. The most interesting thing about Print on Demand is that you decide the price and commission of your design. Here are some legit print on demand sites from where you can make money online from home.

15. Make and Sell Course

make money online through course

Are you an expert in a particular field? Then why not teach other people about it through your own in a step by step course. You will be sharing your wisdom with others while making money. You can create your knowledgeable course and share it to online course platforms where your course will be available to interested folks who might be looking for expert knowledge in order to grow in their career or fulfill their dreams. Here are the best online platforms where you can find the audience and sell your courses.

16. Become a Virtual Assistant

make money being virtual assistant

While being at home, you will be helping your clients in handling their administration and other clerical tasks such as scheduling appointments, managing file records, handling social media, etc. The average pay for the virtual assistant is around $11 to $40 depending upon the skills and experience. Even if you are a complete beginner then not to worry since the tasks involved in this remote assistant job is too simple and easy to do. Here are sites where you can remote virtual assistant roles.

17. Become a Youtuber

Make money online as a youtuber

YouTube get billions of traffic each day. People find most of the solutions of their daily life problems on YouTube. YouTube is so popular because of tons of content generated by its content creators. If you are an expert of the particular thing then you can teach it to the people through video tutorial on YouTube. You need to gain 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time to make your YouTube channel monetized. It will take few months of hard work and struggle to reach the monetization milestone. But once you have reached it, your content will start generating money. FYI, the top YouTube earner of year 2019 made around $26 million and would you like to know who is that guy? He is a 8-year-old kid whose channel Ryan's World revolves around reviewing toys. So YouTube can be considered as the high potential online earning platform of 2021 for sure.

18. Become a Blogger

Make money online as a blogger

Blogging is one of the best ways to make money online in 2021. You can either show ads on your blog or you can do affiliate marketing to make money out of it. You can set up your blog within an hour. All you need is inspiration that drives you to write about a topic. Blogging requires a lot of patience and hard work. It will take almost a year or two before you could see any significant results in generating money online. So if you really want to start blogging then be ready to put a lot of efforts in your blog with passion and dedication. Here is a simple guide on how to start a blog. Here is step by step guide to do seo of a new website. Once your blog gets thousands of visitors traffic per month then it's time to apply for Google Adsense and make it monetized.


You can earn online in 2021 with the right kind of resources and platforms. Making money online takes your efforts and little bit of time. This methods will surely help you in making money online from home during this coronavirus lockdown. The biggest factor that makes you or breaks you in making money online is your patience, hard work and attitude towards efforts you put in this online platform. People don't take online jobs seriously, and that's the reason most people fail in making money online. Take online job as a serious challenge just like the way you take your normal job because one's you succeed in the online job then there is no turning back since financially rewarding career grows exponentially with your success online. 

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