Craving for Attention ? You are not Alone !!

Craving for Attention ? You are not Alone !!

Lets face it - everyone likes attention and it matters little how they get it. There are some like the famously infamous socialite Paris Hilton who seems to be making the headlines for doing nothing but what she does best !! Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame and are willing to do just about anything to get what they want - ATTENTION.

So we as bloggers need it too. We want more webmasters to join rss feeds, more readers, more subscribers and more webmasters joining the affiliate programs that we promote !! So let us today ponder on some of the ways of how we can create the buzz and get what we want..

- If you are not in a hurry and like to follow the footsteps of the tortoise who won the race against the hare then all you have to do is to write quality content and submit to social bookmarking sites. If you are good enough then you will get noticed.

- If you are in a bit of a hurry and cant wait for success to come to you then you must go to it. The most popular way of getting attention is writing controversial articles igniting sparks in the minds of people and compelling them to talk about it. Sort of wild fire which spreads on its own with no help of anyone. All you need is a hot topic and even hotter content.

If you are nice guy and dont like getting into controversies then there a lot of others ways to like -
- the first and the most important part of your blog is the title / heading of your post. If that is not compelling enough then half of the readers will never visit the page in the first page, so work on it well and create a heading thats makes them ask questions like what is he talking about or what is that or something similar. you must raise their curiosity and then satisfy it with the content in your post. Trust me they will come back for more in future.

- using images in your post is another great way of keeping the interest of the reader intact. The moment they visit your page the first thing that they notice is a descriptive image that matches the theme of your post and further increases their hunger for reading. A lot of bloggers are using them successfully and I am myself thinking of starting on it.

- Its of no use if the readers visits the blog and leaves within minutes so you must make them to stay. Breaking your posts and articles into sub points always works because people really dont have enough time these days to go through the entire entry before realising that it does not contain what they were expecting. Small points will reduce their burden and they will continue to read.

- Another good way of raising the curiosity of your readers is asking questions in the heading like the one I have used in my heading and then answer it yourself. They love it when someone answer their queries. So if they dont have any queries then raise them and then answer them.
Old philosophy - something on the lines of ” In order to sell your product you must first create the demand for it and then sell it ”

Same rule applies here. So what are you waiting for.. Go find yourself some interesting topics and start writing..

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