Guide on Easy Profit Blogging

Guide on Easy Profit From Blogging

In this article I want to give you 5 simple blog tips that can make a real difference to your business.

We will look at some of the basics of blogging, where you can find free blog templates, and a few other nuggets that will make your life that little bit easier and far more profitable.

1. Pick Out A Good Template

The most popular blogging platforms used today are and WordPress. Both of them offer many different templates for free that you can quickly use to set up your blog.
It is to your advantage to pick a blog template that is easy for you to work with, matches the theme of your website (if you have one), and gives a general look and feel that visitors will be comfortable with.

You can Google search the words “free blog templates” to find millions of websites offering you more choices if you need them.

2. Be Consistent

The biggest mistake that people make when they blog is that they don’t do it on a consistent basis. I cannot stress how important it is that whatever you choose for your blogging schedule you be consistent in doing it. You do not have to look very long to find literally millions of orphaned blogs on the Internet today.

Because it is very easy for people to start a blog they initially get all excited without realizing how much actually goes in to making it a successful business.
Blogging can be very hard work, so it will be important to your success that you consistently stick with it.

My suggestion when you first start out is to try and post a new blog every day for at least the first month (if not the first 2 months) and then every 2-3 days thereafter. You do this so that you get visitors used to coming and reading your content as well as getting search engines spidering your blog on a consistent basis.

Eventually you can settle into a schedule that might just be a couple of times a week but that will really depend on the theme of your blog and the type of content that you offer.

3. Create A Buzz

Number three in my top blog tips is to make sure you are offering fresh, entertaining, controversial, thought-provoking content that will create a buzz and possibly go viral.
You will be working hard to attract visitors to your blog and your goal should then be to get them coming back and bringing their friends.

4. Keywords Are Massively Important

Today with the number of websites and blog content available on the Internet you have a better chance to be read if you target, primary keywords in your blog articles.

You want to choose your primary keyword and put that as close to the front of the title of your post as possible. You also want to include it in your introduction and closing paragraph and make the keyword font bold if possible.

As you write your post try to use variations of the keyword phrase and make them sound natural throughout the rest of the article.

What you are doing when you do this is practicing basic search engine optimization (SEO) techniques that most bloggers miss. You will find that your various blog posts will begin to show up on page 1 of search engines such as Google and Yahoo when you lay your blog articles out this way.

5. Don’t Forget To Hyperlink

Another basic blogging technique that people miss out on is hyperlinking keyword phrases in their post back to sales pages of products they sell. If your goal is to create financial freedom and make money with your blog the article itself is an excellent place to do that.

Your visitors will notice your page as they come to it, but then they will be drawn to the content. You stand a better chance to make a sale by hyperlinking back to the sales page in the blog article itself, than you do plastering banners all over the top and down the side of each page.
Use these 5 basic blog tips to become a more accomplished and profitable blogger.

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